Whole child wellness solutions
that help kids THRIVE

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Hi, I’m Dr Erin O’Brien,

a pediatrician, early childhood educator, parent coach and holistic nutritionist whose mission in life is to help as many children as possible to grow up happy, healthy and well.

Frustrated with a system that I believe puts too much emphasis on looking for flaws and labeling them as “diseases” or “disorders”, I have developed a new way of looking at wellness in childhood. It’s a whole-child approach that looks at four key areas of functioning, which I call The 4B’s: Brain (thinking and learning), Belly (nutrition, dietary issues), Body (physical activity, growth, sleep), and Being (emotions, feelings and thoughts, relationships, self-concept, mindset). These four areas are all interrelated, and an imbalance or problem in any one of these can have profound effects on the others, and can significantly impede your child’s development. On the other hand, a balanced child is a well child, a child who thrives.

As parents, your mission is no doubt the same as mine:
you want to see your child truly thrive, to be happy and healthy, and to fulfill their unique potential.

In other words, you want your child to be well.

Sadly, many children today are not in balance and are facing serious threats to their wellbeing.

From the “big A’s”: Allergies, ADHD, Autism, Asthma and Autoimmunity, to persistent behavior problems, learning difficulties, depression and anxiety, sleep issues, developmental delays, it is estimated that as many as 1 in 2 children struggles with a chronic condition that prevents them from truly thriving.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Your child can be well. It IS possible.

I can help you get there.

But what is wellness? What does it look like?

Well-children are happier at home, do better in school, are better prepared for the future.
They have better relationships and are less likely to be bullied (or to bully others).
They are also healthier, less likely to become ill or to suffer from chronic, preventable diseases.

In short, kids who thrive have better childhoods and, perhaps most importantly, they develop the skills and tools they need to become adults who thrive (in relationships, at work, as parents themselves).

And isn’t that your ultimate goal for your child?

If you answered a big resounding YES, then come along with me.

It’s time for the well-child revolution. Join in!

Want to learn more about how to help your child thrive?

Click below to learn about how to work with me.

What people are saying

“I am so grateful to have found Dr Erin. She figured out the cause of Ava’s rashes and constant infections, when no one else could (and we’d tried! GP, referral to specialists, and on and on it went, but no one could help). Dr Erin asked questions no one else had asked and looked into things no one else looked into. She gave us hope, and she gave us help! Now Ava’s skin is clear, her eyes are bright and sparkly, and she’s happy and healthy!”

– Rajni S., London, England

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